Hollywood & Politics

hollywood-global-warming-save-planet-political-cartoonHollywood is all about make belief. It provides a platform for creating entertainment. Hollywood products entertain, create illusion and sometimes numb the soul from the drudgery of mundane life. Often, the euphoria of such entertainment is temporal, as it should be. Occasionally they become addictive such as Star Wars which evolved into an industry of its own. Politics is the antithesis of Hollywood. It is about people and reality. Like oil and water, politics and Hollywood belongs to two worlds that will never mix.

Hollywood creates celebrities through the intoxicating world of entertainment.  It is capable of creating idols from obscurity, some of whom grew too big for their shoes as a result of fame and fortune. The hubris exhibited by some celebrities is nauseating. But the masses love it. They love the messages of freedom, promiscuity and LGBT relationships often seen in the industry (“These Three Charts Confirm Conservatives’ Worst Fears About American Culture“). Perhaps it is easier to find solace in the unreal world of fiction. Every year, events like the Golden Globes further cement and glorify past, present and future celebrities. Celebrities are probably more well known than presidents, basic geography and politics of the world.

Few are interested in the humdrum of real politics that will affect their lives and future. Is it due to ignorance or indifference? Ignorance certainly has a big part to play. Also the politics of government have grown too entrenched in the hands of powerful elites that the masses have grown cold and indifferent towards democratic governance. Political apathy is quite pervasive today.

Autocratic regimes rule by decree. People have little or no choice. Democracy gives people a perception of choice. Most democratic regimes are predominantly two-party systems. In most cases, the choice is between the devil and the deep blue sea. There isn’t much of a choice anyway. But this is reality.

Interestingly, Hollywood has stirred from its surreal world into the real world of flesh and blood during the 2016 Golden Globes ceremony. From stage, it catapulted into the streets. Celebrities such as those listed below spoke strongly against the President-elect.

Meryl Streep. …
Lee Daniels, cast of ‘Empire’ …
Arnold Schwarzenegger. …
Richard Schiff. …
Olivia Wilde. …
Robert De Niro. …
Lena Dunham. …
Mark Ruffalo, Shonda Rhimes, Bryan Cranston, more.

Everyone is entitled to their views, celebrity or the humble beggar at a forsaken street corner. It is debatable whether the views expressed by celebrities will sway the inclinations of any man with a normal intellect. Even if they do, to speak freely without violence is the hallmark of democracy. It would be unfair to drown these voices just because they are from celebrities. Will this result in Calexit? In the name of democracy, let it be so if the people so desire!

In the same token, the US intelligence report that RT influenced the outcome of the presidential election is not tenable (“All the ways RT ‘influenced’ American politics ‒ it’s not what the ODNI thinks“). It is so puerile to make such an allegation. If true, can we also deem all other mainstream media like CNN, MSNBC, Fox News etc.. as instruments of partisan politics? They all are! Be assured that there is no such thing as unbiased reporting. Life is never fair and never will be as long as man lives in sin devoid of spiritual guidance.

Proverbs 1:25-26

25 since you disregard all my advice
    and do not accept my rebuke,
26 I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you;
    I will mock when calamity overtakes you—

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